1940's Fancy Dress
Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 Products)
Item Name- | |
British Home Guard SoldierJacket with shirt and tie insert,trousers,hat,ankle covers,belt and straps. |
Brown vintage 40's wigBrown wig for 1940's costumes |
GangsterJacket with shirt and tie insert and a pair of trousers.This is a really good outfit,well made and good fabric.Double breasted jacket and the... |
WW2 Air Force Female CaptainWW2 Air Force Female Captain, Blue, with Jacket, Skirt, Mock Shirt with Tie, and Belt |
WW2 Land Girl CostumeWW2 Land Girl Costume, Top, Dungarees and Head Scarf |
WW2 Land Girl Costume GreenWW2 Land girl Costume brilliant for history, 40's and world war themed parties. |
WW2 Sweetheart CostumeWW2 Sweet Heart Costume, Dress, Red with Hearts |
Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 Products)